• EAR Everything, Inc.

    earEverything, Inc. provides high quality products coupled with audiological services and education, giving you the edge in your performance on stage, at church, on the race track or in the broadcast booth.

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  • What we do

    earEverything, Inc. provides state-of-the-art products and audiological services designed to protect your hearing while delivering the ultimate comfort and precision performance in the most demanding of play and work environments. This, combined with our comprehensive audiological services and education to our diverse clientele, produces a winning combination under any circumstance.

    Your hearing is one of your most important sensory tools, and harmful exposure to all types of noise can cause permanent damage. Whether you are behind the wheel of a race car, on a sports team, hunting, jamming on your iPod, or in a band, you'll find that our products combine comfort, safety and the ultimate in sound quality to produce an audio experience like no other. We're convinced that once you give them a test drive, you'll never go back to what you were using.

    Mark wanted me to thank you for the awesome ear molds, he really liked them.  We never finished out of the top 5 and won 4 out of 10 features, including the ASAMT race. Thanks again and I will make sure I recommend you to anyone looking for new ear molds.
    --Tom Ress, Mark Mackesy Racing

    Gotta tell you that I love my earpieces.  The first time I used them in the race car I was amazed at how much background noise was reduced and how much easier it was for me to hear the other guys on the radio. 
    --Pete Stoltz

  • Contact

    earEVERYTHING is also an independent contractor for CavCom

    Their revolutionary "talk through your ears" technology, provides a unique solution to those who use big headsets for communication in high noise environments.

    Toll Free: (888) 327-2131 NATIONAL SALES
    IDIRECT LINE 317-514-9584

  • Ear Health

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  • About Dawn

    Dawn is a state licensed and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association certified audiologist specializing in hearing conservation. She attended Indiana University in Bloomington, IN and graduated in 1996 with a B.A. in Speech and Hearing Sciences. For graduate school she chose Northeastern University in Boston. Dawn graduated with a M.S. in Audiology in 1998. She moved back the midwest and worked as dispensing Audiologist in Indianapolis. Dawn knew was some other area of audiology that she would serve better. Dawn took her strong education, dedication, and interpersonal skills and began the journey. earEVERYTHING, Inc. started in 2001, and is primary focus is on hearing healthcare and bettering communications in adverse situations.

    Dawn has worked closely with DELPHI motorsports division implementing the Delphi Earpiece Sensor System (DESS) in various leagues. An earpiece containing G Force sensors on three axis, downloading information about the drivers head during an impact.

  • FAQ
